Last Updated:      June 21, 2024

Length:                Stillwater Trail [Southern Section]; 1.2 miles. 

                              Stillwater Hudson River Front Park Loop Trail [Central Section]; 0.5 miles

                              Champlain Canalway Trail-Saratoga NHP Section [Central Section]; 1.5 miles

                              Champlain Canalway Trail-Surrender March Trail [Central Section]; 0.8 miles

                              Champlain Canalway Trail-Schuylerville Section [Northern Section]; 2 miles.

                              Saratoga Siege Trail [Northern Section]; 0.5 miles

                              Hudson Crossing Park Loop Trail [Northern Section]; 2 miles.

Difficulty:            Stillwater Trail; Easy, flat paved rail trail.

                              Stillwater Hudson River Front Park Loop Trail; Easy. Flat, stone-dust trail.

                              Champlain Canalway Trail-Saratoga NHP section; Easy. Flat, stone-dust towpath with a grass lined section.

                              Champlain Canalway Trail-Surrender March Trail; Moderate. Flat, gravel towpath. Rough-bumpy.

                              Champlain Canalway Trail-Schuylerville section; Easy. Flat path along a grass, hard packed dirt & gravel road and stone-dust trail.

                              Saratoga Siege Trail; Moderate. Crushed gravel trail with steep hill.                               

                              Hudson Crossing Park Loop Trail; Easy. Flat, hard packed dirt trail with a short stone-dust section.

Directions: Heading North from Waterford.    

For the Stillwater Section [Southern Section]; From Waterford, head north along Routes 4 & 32 past Mechanicville and into Stillwater for 11 miles. Turn left on Campbell Road and the parking lot will be on your left.   

Note; Just north up Routes 4 & 32 in Stillwater is the STILLWATER BLOCKHOUSE . Overlooking the Hudson River, this replica Blockhouse, constructed of massive timbers was built in 1927. Picnic tables available.

Directions: Heading North from Stillwater.

For the Saratoga Sections [Central Section]; From Stillwater travel north to the junction of Routes 4 & 32.  

Stillwater Hudson River Front Park Loop Trail; Keep right on Route 4 north as Route 32 heads left. Travel 1.9 miles and turn right into the park. 

Champlain Canalway Trail-Saratoga NHP; Keep right on Route 4 north as Route 32 heads left. Travel 3.7 miles and turn left on Wilbur Road. There is a pullover on your right for a couple of cars. 

Champlain Canalway Trail-Surrender March Trail; Keep right on Route 4 north as Route 32 heads left. Travel 7.9 miles and turn right into the Route 4 South parking lot just past Garnsey Ln for the South parking lot. For the Route 4 North parking lot continue north on Route 4 another 0.8 miles. 

Champlain Canalway Trail-Schuylerville/Saratoga Siege Trail [Northern Section]; Keep right on Route 4 north as Route 32 heads left. Travel 9.2 miles and turn right into the Schuyler House parking lot.

The Champlain Canalway Trail is a planned continuous trail from Waterford (where the Erie Canal departs from the Hudson River) North to Whitehall. The modern day Champlain Canal follows the Hudson River North to Fort Edwards where the man-made Champlain Canal branches away from the Hudson River towards Whitehall. In Fort Edwards, the Feeder Canal Trail travels East through Hudson Falls, where it connects to the Champlain Canalway Trail.  The original 25-foot-wide Old Champlain Canal was enlarged many times and the current Champlain Canal parallels the original Canal from Fort Edwards North to Whitehall at the foot of Lake Champlain. The trail will mostly follow sections of the Old Champlain Canal. For more information visit; CANALWAY TRAIL , CHAMPLAIN CANALWAY TRAIL , 2019 CHAMPLAIN CANAL ACTION PLAN & 2022 CHAMPLAIN CANALWAY TRAIL GAPS

I have broken the Champlain Canalway Trail into 3 Sections: Starting from the Southern End; Champlain Canalway Trail; Waterford-Mechanicville , Champlain Canalway Trail; Mechanicville-Schuylerville-Fort Edward , Schuylerville to Fort Edward is all on-road and Champlain Canalway Trail; Fort Edward-Fort Ann-Whitehall. Fort Ann to Whitehall is mostly all on-road.

The Champlain  Canalway Trail is part of the Empire State Trail , which will be a continuous 750-mile route spanning the state from New York City North to Canada and Buffalo East to Albany, creating the longest multi-use state trail in the nation. The Empire State Trail utilizes Route 4 wherever there is no off-road section North to Schuylerville.

The Stillwater Trail, which is part of the Champlain Canalway Trail, follows an old Trolley Line. 

The Schuylerville Section travels from Schuyler's House, North, through Fort Hardy Park and out to Hudson Crossing Park where you can check out the Hudson Crossing Park Loop Trail. For information about Fort Hardy & Hudson Crossing Parks visit; VILLAGE OF SCHUYLERVILLE . Be sure to check out the National Park Service's 155 foot granite SARATOGA MONUMENT which is close by in Schuylerville. The Schuyler House is also part of the National Park Service. Across Route 4 from Schuyler's House is the Saratoga Siege Trail.

Champlain Canalway Trail; Mechanicville-Stillwater Section:

Southern Section:

From Mechanicville North to Stillwater the route is currently all on-road. See; Empire State Trail .

Stillwater Trail:

Starting from the Campbell Road parking lot in Stillwater [Northern End]; Picnic tables located here. The Stillwater Trail starts out as stone-dust trail traveling South before crossing a boardwalk and coming alongside Railroad Ave. Here the trail is paved as it travels South along Railroad Ave, crossing Burns Bridge Rd. The trail then crosses Railroad Ave and enters the woods at 0.3 miles. Just West of Railroad Ave is the Stillwater Trail parking lot. Continuing South you'll travel through a shaded residential corridor. Cross Halfway House Rd and the trail becomes a bit more isolated. The trail currently ends after only 1.2 miles at some active RR tracks.

Champlain Canalway Trail; Saratoga Section:

Central Section:

From Stillwater North to Bemis Heights the route is all on-road. See; Empire State Trail .

From Bemis Heights (Junction of Routes 4 & 32) North to Schuylerville, the route follows a BIKE LANE along Route 4, with several short sections complete. See; Empire State Trail .

Stillwater Hudson River Front Park Loop Trail:

Starting from Stillwater Hudson River Front Park; Picnic pavilion, kayak launch, small playground and Porto-Potty located here. Starting from the parking lot the stone-dust Stillwater Hudson River Front Park Loop Trail travels past the kayak launch and picnic tables overlooking the Hudson River before Looping inland around the open fields. Exercise stations along the route. After 0.5 miles the Loop returns you to the parking lot.

Champlain Canalway Trail; Saratoga NHP:

Starting from Wilbur Road [Northern End]; The Champlain Canalway Trail-Saratoga NHP follows the Old Champlain Canal South. Scenic with turtles and waterfowl. Picnic tables available. After 0.3 miles you enter the woods. Briefly come alongside Route 4 before heading back into the woods. After 0.9 miles the trail is grass lined. Pass by a bridge on your right.

Note; If you cross the bridge, a grass trail travels North, up to Saratoga NHP .

The grass lined trail continues South, alongside the Old Champlain Canal, through open field to Phillips Rd (Park entrance) where it currently ends after 1.5 miles. See; Saratoga National Historical Park for more trails.

Champlain Canalway Trail; Surrender March Trail:

Starting from the Route 4; South parking lot; The stone-dust Champlain Canalway Trail-Surrender March Trail brings you down alongside the Old Champlain Canal heading North. You cross several little bridges before crossing the Canal to the Old Champlain Canal Towpath.

Note; Heading South the trail ends after only 0.1 miles, just short of Garnsey Lane.

Heading North along the gravel (rough-bumpy) towpath through the woods the dried up Old Champlain Canal is on your left and a marsh on your right. After 0.8 miles come to the Route 4; North parking lot.

Note; Just North of the parking lot, West up Schuyler St, is the Saratoga Surrender Site.

Champlain Canalway Trail; Schuylerville Section:

Central Section:


Starting from the Schuyler House parking lot in Schuylerville [Southern End]; Restrooms located next to the parking lot. 

Note; Across Route 4, just South of the Schuyler House entrance, is the SARATOGA SIEGE TRAIL . Use Caution crossing Route 4; No Cross-walk. The crushed gravel Saratoga Siege Trail travels South, up a steep hill. Informational signs along the trail. Overlook of the battlefield across Fish Creek. The trail levels out and ends after 0.5 miles just before Evans St,

Follow the paved trail North past the Schuyler House to the grass lined dirt & gravel Champlain Canalway Trail. This trail follows along the fence on your left and a picnic table overlooking Fish Creek before heading into the woods. You'll travel underneath some power lines before crossing a bridge over Fish Creek. Here the trail turns to a wide stone-dust as it travels alongside the Old Champlain Canal. Pass by a Map Board on your right just before you travel past the Post Office where the trail is paved. This is called Schuyler's Canal Park. A cross-walk takes you over Route 29 to the Champlain Canal Region Gateway Visitors Center at 0.4 miles. Continue past the Visitor Center and down alongside the Canal where the trail is stone-dust. Fort Hardy Park is along your right. Cross Saratoga St and continue straight along the dirt & gravel Tow Path Rd. After 0.8 miles you'll pick back up the stone-dust trail as it travels between the Old Champlain Canal and the Hudson River. Trail brings you up to Dix Bridge Road. Cross the road and travel straight between the Champlain Canal Lock 5 on your right and the and the Old Champlain Canal on your left. This brings you to the Champlain Canal Lock 5 parking lot after 1.4 miles. To your left is the Old Champlain Canal Lock 9. Porto-Potty located here. 

Note; From Dix Bridge Road, head right across a bridge, over the Champlain Canal, to a crosswalk. The Hudson Crossing Park Loop Trail starts here. See Below

Hudson Crossing Park Loop Trail:

(Eagle Point Trail/Hudson River Trail/Riverwalk Sensory Trail)

From the Dix Bridge Road cross-walk; Continue straight, North, along Dix Bridge Rd and take a quick left at the driveway for the Champlain Canal Lock 5. To your right pick up the hard packed dirt Eagle Point Trail. This takes you into HUDSON CROSSING PARK . You'll pass by a very cool playground on your right and path down to a dock on your left. Restrooms are located to your right. Continue straight through open woods. Pass by an intersection on your right at 0.5 miles. This is the Hudson River Trail. Continue straight. The Hudson River is now on your right and the canal is on your left. Lots of old bridge abutments still in place in the canal and river. You come to the Northern tip of the island at 0.8 miles where the river has been dammed and the boats enter the canal. Benches and sculptures here. Retrace your route South back to the Hudson River Trail and head left, Southeast, down a slight hill. Pass an open field and you'll come to Dix Bridge Rd at 1.5 miles. Head left, East, on the pedestrian *Dix Bridge over the Hudson River to Greenwich. Beautiful iron trestle bridge. Return West back over to Dix Bridge Rd and head left, South, along the Riverwalk Sensory Trail. This stone-dust trail travels along the Hudson River and contains promenades overlooking the river, sculptures and benches. When you reach a boat launch a paved trail will take you up to the Dix Bridge Road cross-walk after a 2 mile Loop.

Champlain Canalway Trail; Schuylerville-Fort Edward Section:

Northern Section:

Starting from the Champlain Canal Lock 5 parking lot in Schuylerville [Southern End]; If you continue Northeast along Dix Bridge Road, you'll come to *Dix Bridge, which is now a pedestrian only bridge, where you can cross the Hudson River to Route 70 where the Empire State Trail continues North. From Schuylerville, North through Greenwich, to Fort Edward the route is on-road and travels along the Eastern Side of the Hudson River. It crosses over a Lock, next to the Old Champlain Canal Lock 12 in Fort Miller, followed by a Canal Lift Gate. Past here the trail follows Route 4 (wide shoulder) North to Fort Edward. See; Empire State Trail .

See; Champlain Canalway Trail; Fort Edward-Fort Ann for next section.