Last Updated:       October 30, 2024                          

Length:                 Emerald Necklace Greenway; Charles River Bikeway to Franklin Park; 5.7 miles

                        Fenway Path; 0.4 miles

                        Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path (including the Blackwell Footpath); 0.5 miles

                        Arborway & Morton Street BIKE LANE; 2.3 miles

Difficulty:             Easy. Flat, paved paths & BIKE LANES.


You can access this trail network from the Northern End via the Charles River Bikeway , from the Southern End via the Southwest Corridor Greenway and from the East & West via the Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANE. There are various parking areas located along the Greenway. See; Map below. You may also access this trail from the MBTA's Orange Line via the Forest Hills T-Station. Bikes are allowed on the Orange, Blue and Red Lines all day on weekends. For more information about taking your bike on the subway visit; MBTA-BIKE .

If your ambitious you can complete a Loop utilizing the Emerald Necklace Greenway, Southwest Corridor Greenway & Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANE. Along this route you can also complete 2 *[Secondary Loops]* through Arnold Arboretum & Franklin Park. See; *[Part of Loop]* & *[Secondary Loops]* in the descriptions below.

Completed by Frederick Law Olmsted in 1895, the Emerald Necklace was the first linear park to be constructed in this country. The Emerald Necklace is comprised of a series of parklands and vehicular parkways, which are linked by the wetland resources of the Muddy River. The Greenway is comprised of the Back Bay Fens, the Riverway, Olmsted Park, Jamaica Pond, Arnold Arboretum and Franklin Park, and their connecting parkways (Fenway, Riverway, Jamaicaway and Arborway). The Emerald Necklace is the only remaining intact linear park designed by Frederick Law Olmsted Sr., America’s first landscape architect. As such, it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It took Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr. (1822-1903) almost twenty years (1878-1896) to create the six parks now known as the Emerald Necklace which stretches from the Charles River South, to Franklin Park and makes up over 1,000 acres of parkland. For more information visit;  EMERALD NECKLACE .

Emerald Necklace Greenway:

Starting from the Charles River Bike Path [Northern End]; Take the ramp up to the top of the Mass Ave Bridge, cross the street and head left into Boston along a Separated BIKE LANE. Turn right on Beacon St along another Separated BIKE LANE. Check out the BLUEbikes (bike rental station) and large Map Board. Travel underneath the Charlesgate overpass. This area is known as Charlesgate.

Note; Future plans call for creating a connecting trail through Charlesgate Park directly to the Charles River Bike Path, but as of 2024 it is still in the design stage. See; CHARLESGATE ALLIANCE .

Turn left on Charlesgate West and follow it on-road (wide brick sidewalk available) to Commonwealth Ave

Note; You may access the Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANE here. *[Part of Loop]* I returned from my Loop via this route.

Continue on-road along Charlesgate West as it takes you up a ramp to Charlesgate. Cross over I-90 and the rail line and you’ll come to a split in the road. Use the cross-walk to get to the stone bridge abutment overlooking the Muddy River & start of the Northern End of the Emerald Necklace Greenway after 0.6 miles.

The paved Emerald Necklace Greenway travels South, along both the Eastern & Western Sides of the Muddy River, from here through Back Bay Fens Park. I chose to bike the Western Side of the Muddy River (which is to your right as you look down on the river), which is also the recommended bike route on the Map. Pass by a brown sign that reads Emerald Necklace-Back Bay Fens-1879”. These signs appear every time you enter a different portion of the Greenway. You immediately encounter the community gardens, with trails meandering throughout them; however, they all bring you back to the main trail which runs alongside Park Drive. You come to your first road crossing, Agassiz Rd and like most of the road crossings, a bridge traverses the river, allowing you access to the opposite side of the greenway. Continuing along Park Drive turn left along the first paved path to check out the Veterans Memorial. Continue straight past the memorial to a pedestrian bridge that crosses the river at 1 mile.

Note; To access the Emerald Necklace Visitor Center, cross this bridge and head left. The center utilizes the old granite Stony Brook Gatehouse. You'll find a Map Board here as well.

Turn right instead of crossing the bridge and follow the paved path which splits. Right brings you to the Rose Garden, left to Clemente Field. After checking out the gardens follow the path back alongside Park Drive and past the fields on a double wide sidewalk. Bear right along a single sidewalk and cross the road. The trail now heads Northwest utilizing either a sidewalk or BIKE LANE. Continue along Park Drive, crossing Brookline Ave/Boylston St where you’ll pick up a paved path on your left and the BIKE LANE ends. This brings you to the intersection of the Riverway and Park Drive. A crosswalk leads to an Island Medium

Note; If you head right, across Park Drive, then left along a wide sidewalk, it brings you to the start of the paved Fenway Path on your right. I haven't checked out this trail. This trail brings you North, down to the Fenway T-Station. The trail then continues Northeast, alongside the RR tracks, crossing Miner St and continuing to Maitland St. Here a double wide sidewalk follows David Ortiz Dr, passing by a BLUEbikes (bike rental station), bringing you to the Lansdowne T-Station. Trail turns East, bringing you to Brookline Ave and Fenway Park after 0.4 miles.

From the Island Medium head left across the Riverway/Park Drive to a paved trail. This is the start of the “Riverway-1890”. Again paths travel along both sides of the river. Head right to where the path turns left at 1.8 miles.  The trail now travels South along the West Side of the river.  Spot the old Back Bay Yard-1895 building and head left along the paved path between the river and the MBTA's Green Line (access to Longwood T-Station). You travel underneath a beautiful stone arched bridge for Longwood Ave before crossing Netherlands Rd. Cross a stone bridge, with stairs on the opposite side, that lead down to a stone-dust path. This brings you to Brookline Ave. However, to cross this busy road you’ll need to turn right to access a cross-light over Brookline Ave. Head right on-road (sidewalk available) alongside Brookline Ave one block to Aspinwall Ave where a crosswalk takes you over Brookline Ave to the paved trail. Continue right and soon come to Washington Ave where a wide cross-light takes you over this busy road. Come to an intersection at 3 miles.

Note; Again the trail splits with trails along both the West & East Sides of the river.

I continued South, along the West Side of the river, which parallels Pond Ave. The trail divides; left for pedestrians and right for bikes. You now enter “Olmstead Park-1891”. The wide, paved trail runs alongside Leverett Pond and passes by old stone bridges and walls. Several parking lots are located along this section. The trails merge as you head up a slight hill to Perkins St at 3.9 miles.

Note; Across this street is an entrance for Jamaica Pond. However, the 1 ½ mile trail that encircles the pond does not allow bikes.

Follow the paved trail left, East, alongside Perkins St to Jamaicaway. Here you'll continue right, South along the East Side of Jamaica Pond. “Jamaica Pond-1892”. {Jamaica Pond, Boston’s largest freshwater pond, is over 50 feet deep and is fed by natural springs}. Again the trail splits with a pedestrian path heading right down towards the pond and a bike trail left that takes you alongside Jamaicaway. You come to the Jamaica Pond Boat House at 4.5 miles, with an adjoining band stand overlooking the pond. Built in 1910, the Boat House contains a restroom, refreshments and information. The two trails briefly combine and then split with the pedestrian path heading right (no bikes allowed) along the pond and the bike trail heading left. Cross over Francis Parkman Drive and Prince St as you leave Jamaica Pond behind. Short on-road section (sidewalk available). Just past Pond St you’ll pick up the Arborway & Morton Street BIKE LANE.  

Note; The Arborway & Morton Street BIKE LANE (Arborway BIKE LANE is part of the Emerald Necklace Greenway) follows the Arborway Southeast and consists of both BIKE LANES and Separated BIKE LANES, as well as, some paved trail sections. It links Arnold Arboretum, Southwest Corridor Greenway & Franklin Park along the Emerald Necklace Greenway. When it reaches Franklin Park, it continues along Morton St, ending after 2.3 miles at Canterbury St just before the American Legion Hwy.

There are green signs for Arnold Arboretum along the route. Spy a house on your right that looks like a Tudor castle. The Arborway consists of a two lane road in the middle and one-way streets running along either side. You'll come to a rotary where a series cross-walks lead you around the rotary and back alongside the Arborway. Just follow the green Arnold Arboretum signs. BIKE LANE. The sidewalk here is nice and wide. You come to the "Emerald Necklace-Arborway Gate-1872" entrance to Arnold Arboretum at 5.2 miles.  

Note; You can check out the Arnold Arboretum paths from here along with the Hunnewell Visitors Center. Restroom available. See; Arnold Arboretum Below. *[Secondary Loop]*

The BIKE LANE continues along the Arborway bringing you to the Arnold Arboretum Forest Hills Gate. Here a wide paved trail continues to South St at 5.3 miles. 

Note; Heading right, South, the paved trail follows South St, then continues straight alongside Washington St to the Blackwell Footpath entrance to Arnold Arboretum at 0.2 miles. The Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path utilizes the Blackwell Footpath. See; Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path Below. A BIKE LANE then continues South, along Washington St, to the Roslindale Village T-Station

Cross over South St to the Forest Hills T-Station

Note; To access the Southwest Corridor Greenway cross Arborway to a paved trail and travel right to a circle. Travel left around this circle to the Southern End of the Southwest Corridor Greenway which travels Northeast. Straight past this circle leads to a BIKE STATION and the Forest Hills T-Station North Entrance

Note; After Looping around both Arnold Arboretum and Franklin Park *[Secondary Loops]* I utilized the Southwest Corridor Greenway *[Part of Loop]* to access the Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANE *[Part of Loop]* to Loop back to the Northern End of the Emerald Necklace Greenway. See; Southwest Corridor Greenway Below.

Continue East along the paved trail (part of the Arborway & Morton Street BIKE LANE) which becomes a BIKE LANE . After 5.7 miles come to Circuit Drive & Morton St and the entrance to Franklin Park on your left. See; Franklin Park Below. *[Secondary Loop]*

Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path:

The Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path utilizes the Blackwell Footpath through Arnold Arboretum. From Washington St, the stone-dust Blackwell Footpath travels West, 0.4 miles to South St in Arnold Arboretum. Here, Phase 1 of the paved Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path continues South, alongside South St. This will bring you to a tunnel underneath the RR tracks at 0.5 miles. This tunnel leads East, to Arboretum Rd, which connects to Washington St. See; Map Below.


Future Phase's will continue the trail Southwest, to the Roslindale Village T-Station. See; Roslindale Gateway Path for more information. See; Map Below.

Arnold Arboretum:

Last Updated:     October 30, 2024

Length:               Arborway Gate to Mendum Street Gate; 2.1 miles

                              Arborway Gate to Mendum Street Gate Loop (including visits to Bussey Hill & Peters Hill); 4.8 miles

Difficulty:           Moderate for biking. Paved trail with some steep hills. Tough for kids on bikes.


From I-93, take exit 14 to Columbia Rd west for 2.2 miles to Blue Hill Ave (Route 28) and continue straight across the intersection along Forest Park Rd onto Circuit Drive. This takes you through Franklin Park and out to the Arborway. Turn right and follow to Washington St. On street parking only, no parking lots in the Arboretum. Turn left past the Forest Hills T-Station where you'll find parking in the rear (parking fee). Free parking is available at Franklin Park only 0.5 miles away.

You may also access the Arboretum from the subways Orange Line via the Forest Hills T-Station. Bikes are allowed on the Orange, Blue and Red Lines all day on weekends. For more information about taking your bike on the subway visit;  MBTA-BIKE  .

Note; Arboretum open daily from sunrise to sunset. There is no fee.                                                                                                     

The Arnold Arboretum contains 3 ½ miles of gated, paved roads for biking. Biking is not permitted on unpaved trails. Founded in 1872, the 265 acre park contains 6,000 kinds of woody plants. Maps of the roads and tree types are stationed at various points throughout the park or are obtainable at the Hunnewell Visitor Center located near the Arborway Gate. The Arnold Arboretum is part of the Emerald Necklace Greenway. For more information check out;  ARNOLD ARBORETUM . 

Starting from the Arborway Gate [Northern End]; Proceed past the Hunnewell Visitors Center (restrooms available) South, along Meadow Rd. You come to a T intersection after a ½ mile. Left, North, takes you along Forest Hill Rd to the Forest Hills Gate, turn right, West, up Bussey Hill Rd. At 0.8 miles you'll pass by a path on your right that leads to the Dana Greenhouse (worth checking out) before coming to another intersection.

Note; Left, South, takes you a ¼ mile to the top of Bussey Hill.

After checking out the hill, continue straight, passing by the Centre Street Gate on your right, to Valley Rd. Continue South, along Valley Rd to the next intersection. Straight leads to the South Street Gate, so head right, West, up Hemlock Hill Rd. After passing by the Walter Street Gate on your right, you'll come to the Bussey Street Gate at 1.6 miles. Here you must cross Bussey St to Peters Hill Gate and proceed South, up Peters Hill Rd. This brings you to an intersection. Turn right up the steep road and follow to the top, where a cemetery is on your right and the turnoff to Peters Hill is on your left. 

Note; Left takes you East, 0.1 miles, to the top of Peters Hill.  

After checking out the great views of  Boston's skyline return to Peters Hill Rd and continue left. You'll pass by the Mendum Street Gate at 2.1 miles. You can now Loop back through the park by continuing down Peters Hill Rd, passing by the turn for the Poplar Gate on your right and returning to Peters Hill Gate. Return North, to the Arborway Gate after a 4.8 mile Loop.

Franklin Park:

Last Updated:       October 30, 2023

Length:                 Circuit Drive Loop; 2.5 miles

                               The Playstead Loop; 1.1 miles

                               The Wilderness Loop; 0.7 miles

Difficulty:             Moderate for biking. Paved with some hills.


From I-93, take exit 14 to Columbia Rd west for 2.2 miles to Blue Hill Ave (Route 28) and continue straight across the intersection to Franklin Park Rd, past the main entrance to the Franklin Park Zoo and right onto Circuit Drive. Circuit Drive takes you through Franklin Park, where there are several parking options. Continue to an intersection. Right leads to the Franklin Park Zoo Rear parking area, but continue left to the Valley Gates parking lot on your right. See Map.

Franklin Park is Boston's largest Park at 500 acres. Originally known as West Roxbury Park, it was renamed in honor of Benjamin Franklin. It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed New York's Central Park and San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The park consists of an 18-hole golf course, an athletic stadium and the FRANKLIN PARK ZOO . Franklin Park is part of the Emerald Necklace Greenway. The Circuit Drive Loop follows Circuit Drive around the golf course and Southern Section of park. The Playstead Loop circles the Northern Section of the park which includes White Stadium and the sports fields. The Wilderness Loop circles the Northwestern Section of the park, known as the "Picnic Area". Wooded and hilly. For information visit; FRANKLIN PARK

Starting from the Valley Gates parking lot; You can access all three Loop Trails.

For the Circuit Drive Loop; Cross over Circuit Drive to the paved trail and head right, West. Immediately take a left to check out Schoolmaster Hill on a short loop. There is a nice overlook of the golf course, as well as an unusual stone wall structure and picnic tables. Return to Circuit Drive and head left downhill. The path then pulls away from Circuit Drive. After 0.6 miles you come to an intersection for Ellicott Arch

Note; Right takes you underneath this stone arch (Circuit Drive) out to Forest Hills St.

Continuing past the arch you'll quickly come to an intersection.

Note; Right leads you out to Circuit Drive. You may cross the road to a paved trail that leads to the Arborway. Heading right will bring you to the Emerald Necklace Greenway, Arnold Arboretum and Southwest Corridor Greenway. *[Part of Loop]*

Bear left at the intersection and you'll come to the tennis courts. Take the cement trail to the left of the tennis courts and head into the woods. You'll come to an intersection at 0.8 miles. 

Note; Turn left to check out Scarboro Hill. Follow the paved road up a slight hill to the top of Scarborough Hill. It's about 0.3 miles to the top, where you'll see a semi circle stone wall containing historical plaques describing the park's origins and views of the park. Again, all overgrown. 

Continuing along the cement trail you'll come to Scarborough Pond. Take a left along the paved trail and you'll pass through a forest of Beech trees. You then cross over the pond via a stone bridge and continue straight. When you come to a black gate, bear left on the paved road that is closed to traffic. This is Circuit Drive. You'll get another nice view of the golf course on your left and there will be picnic tables to your right. You climb a small hill and come to the William Devine Golf Club House at 2 miles. Travel between the club house and parking lot out to Circuit Drive and head left along the paved path back to the Valley Gates parking lot for a 2.5 mile Loop.

For The Playstead Loop; Head past the black gate at the rear of the parking lot and turn right. Follow the paved path left along the Zoo entrance to an old stone shelter. Head right across the road, then left along the paved path which now follows Pierpont Rd. The Playstead is across the road and zoo along your right. You'll come to the Franklin Park Zoo's rear entrance at 0.3 miles. Two huge statutes guard the zoo's entrance. Directly across from the entrance is Playstead Rd, which is closed to traffic. Proceed down this road and at a ½ mile, you'll be in front of "White" Schoolboy Stadium

Note; You may take a quick detour here by heading to your right up a gravel path that brings you to the old Bear Exhibits that were built in 1912. The zoo no longer uses this part of the park. 

Next, travel around the stadium to the opposite side, where you pass by a black gate and head straight along the old road, not left towards the fields. You pass by some old foundations on your left (Overlook Ruins) and then the trail splits, Head right along the paved path witch brings you back to the parking lot for a 1.1 mile Loop

The Wilderness Loop; Head past the black gate at the rear of the parking lot and turn left. Follow the wide paved trail to an intersection and bear right. Enter the woods and stay on the wide paved trail as you travel up a slight hill. Pass by an old picnic area and bear left on the trail. This will bring you to a picnic area and pull out that probably had a scenic view at one point. Note the old stone stairs. The trail then brings you back down hill to Circuit Drive after 0.5 miles. Cross over Circuit Drive to the trail and turn left to return to the parking lot for a 0.7 mile Loop.

Southwest Corridor Greenway:

Last Updated:       October 28, 2023

Length:                 Southwest Corridor Greenway; 4 miles

Difficulty:             Easy. Flat, paved trail.


From I-93, take exit 14 to Columbia Rd west for 2.2 miles to Blue Hill Ave (Route 28) and continue straight across the intersection along Forest Park Rd onto Circuit Drive. This takes you through Franklin Park and out to the Arborway. Turn right and follow to Washington St. Turn left past the Forest Hills T-Station where you'll find parking in the rear (parking fee).  Free parking is available at Franklin Park only 0.5 miles away.

You may also access the trail via one of the 7 stops along MBTA's Orange Line. For information about taking your bike on the subway visit; MBTA-BIKE .

The Southwest Corridor Greenway, also known as the Pierre Lallement Bike Path spans 4 miles of city blocks with a series of lawns, gardens and recreational areas. The greenway parallels a major rail line for Amtrak and includes stops for the Boston subways Orange Line. It is one of my favorite bike trails, especially when you pass through the South End Historic District, near the Back Bay Area, with its many brownstone buildings and brick lined walks. This greenway is the result of a community triumph. Between the 1950's and 1970's, the railroad and abutting property were destined to become a 12 lane segment of I-95. Homes and businesses were demolished to make room for the highway before the citizens were able to stop the project. The greenway today is home to community gardens, playgrounds and recreation areas, many of which are built on earthen "decks" covering the rail line. Large stone slabs at each T-Station contain literary excerpts from a range of writers. The Southern End of the Southwest Corridor Greenway connects to the Emerald Necklace Greenway. For more information visit; SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK .

Starting from the Forest Hills T-Station North Entrance [Southern End] & Emerald Necklace Greenway; *[Part of Loop]* Map Board & BIKE STATION. The Southwest Corridor Greenway consists of two paths, one side for pedestrians and the wider trail for bikes. Signs along the route point to the correct side of the path, as they tend to switch sides during the course of the trail. You pass by a play ground and community gardens on your left as you start out. You'll find both scattered all along the Greenway. This urban path is tree lined as it follows the rail line which runs along a sunken corridor. Just before the Green Street T-Station at 0.7 miles, look right to spot the BIKES NOT BOMBS Bike shop. You pass by more playgrounds, basketball and tennis courts. Stony Brook T-Station at 1 ¼ miles. Jackson Square T-Station at 1 ¾ miles. The trail then parallels New Columbus Ave as it passes by Roxbury Community College before coming to Roxbury Crossing T-Station at 2.4 miles. Across Tremont St you'll find the BLUEbikes (bike rental station). You pass by a Boston Police Station and cross Ruggles St. Next you'll pass by Ruggles Street T-Station and a parking garage before coming to Melnea Cass Blvd & Columbus Ave at 2.9 miles. Look left to spot Northeastern University

Note; From Melnea Cass Blvd/Columbus Ave/Ruggles Street T-Station you can access the South Bay Harbor Trail . Travel right across Columbus Ave to the start of the paved South Bay Harbor Trail.

Trail Continues alongside Columbus Ave on your right and the campus Northeastern University along your left. Just past Carter Park, with its ball field and tennis courts, the trail turns left, Cross Camden St where the trail continues through a small park. Come to the Mass Ave T-Station at 3.4 miles. Head left to access the crosswalk over busy Mass Ave , then right to rejoin the trail as it travels down a ramp. This brings you to my favorite part of the Greenway located in the South End Historic District. Here the trail follows a combination of cement and brick surfaces lining a quiet neighborhood of brick row houses. Be sure to take a detour down these narrow streets to check out the buildings. This last section passes by quaint gardens until the trail ends at Dartmouth Courtyard on Dartmouth St right around the corner from Copley Place after 4 miles. Another BLUEbikes located here. Across the street is the Back Bay T-Station.

Note; *[Part of Loop]* To access the Charles River Bikeway or the Emerald Necklace Greenway via the Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANE head left, North, along Dartmouth St via the wide brick sidewalk. When you reach Stuart St you'll pick up a BIKE LANE along Dartmouth St. Travel past Copley Square to your right and the Boston Public Library to your left along with the Copley T-Station. Just shy of 0.4 miles brings you to the Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANESee Below.

Commonwealth Ave Mall & BIKE LANE:

Last Updated:       October 28, 2023                          

Length:                 Commonwealth Ave Mall;  1.3 miles 

                                Commonwealth Ave BIKE LANE; 2.8 miles

Difficulty:             Commonwealth Ave Mall; Easy. Flat, paved path.

The Commonwealth Ave Mall is a wide Greenway separating Commonwealth Ave which runs one-way along both sides of the mall. It runs from the Public Gardens & Boston Common West to Kenmore St and the Kenmore T-Station. A BIKE LANE also follows Commonwealth Ave from the Public Gardens & Boston Common west to Brighton Ave. At its Western End it connects to the Emerald Necklace Greenway and at its Eastern End you can connect to the Northern End of the Southwest Corridor Greenway.

Starting from Arlington Street, Public Gardens & Boston Common [Eastern End]; Commonwealth Ave has BIKE LANES running along both sides of the mall. The Commonwealth Ave Mall is comprised of a wide path that travels through small parks with benches and lots of statues. 

Note; No bikes allowed in Public Gardens & Boston Common.

Note; If you head North along a Separated BIKE LANE on Arlington St you can access the Charles River Bikeway . When you reach Beacon St use the cross-walk to reach the Arthur Fieldler Footbridge over to the Charles River Bike Path after 0.3  miles.

Heading West come to Dartmouth St after 0.4 miles.

Note; To access the Southwest Corridor Greenway turn left, South, on Dartmouth St and follow a BIKE LANE for 0.4 miles to the Northeastern End of the Southwest Corridor Greenway. *[Part of Loop]*

Just before you reach Mass Ave after 0.9 miles the Commonwealth Ave Mall ends abruptly and you’ll have to detour around the tunnel, however, the BIKE LANE travels through the tunnel under Mass Ave.  

Note; To access the Charles River Bikeway turn right on Mass Ave and follow a BIKE LANE to the Harvard Bridge where a ramp brings you down to the Charles River Bike Path after 0.3  miles

You reach Charlesgate West after 1.3 miles where you may access the Emerald Necklace Greenway by heading left, South. *[Part of Loop]*

The BIKE LANE continues West along Commonwealth Ave, however the Commonwealth Ave Mall quickly disappears past the Kenmore T-Station and is replaced with RR tracks running between Commonwealth Ave. When you come to the BU Bridge after 2.1 miles a Separated BIKE LANE continues. Come to Brighton Ave after 2.8 miles where the BIKE LANE ends.